Photo Gallery
- Basar trip(10th student's)
- Rakhi celebrations
- Christmas celebrations
- Summer awareness program
- Sports day
- Independence day
- Cleanliness program
- Student council elections
- bhatthukamma Celebrations
To show the bonding between Brother and sister relationship ,every year we celebrate RAKHI FESTIVAL in our school premises.RAKHI's will be prepared by students only. And they will present different types of Rakhi's , best Rakhi prepared student will be awarded.
AWARENESS PROGRAM ON "How to Keep surroundings CLEAN"
For the selection of HEAD BOY and HEAD GIRL(The student's who take part in all activities and events) , school will conducts "STUDENT COUNCIL ELECTIONS" ,all student's will use their vote to select HEAD BOY ,HEAD GIRL , sports secretary and cultural secretary, Same like General elections this event will be conducted.To know the importance of vote and their responsibilities will conduct this event.
Every year on FEBRUARY 28 our school will celebrate NATIONAL SCIENCE DAY to honor C.V.RAMAN on his thesis about Scattering of light, all student's will actively participates in this event.They exhibits different models which relates to Science&Technology , Waste water management , Agriculture methods and Digital Technology,
Krishnastami celebrations in our SSR SCHOOL will be celebrated every year.Children will actively participate in this event.To know the importance of this festival, children's will play different characters relates to Lord krishna story.Also story will be narrated by using different plays.